Our community is mostly composed of French people, often permanently established in London, sometimes short term. It also includes many French-speaking families wishing to live a Protestant way of life. We currently number about thirty children in our midst.

The church’s very central location, its history, architecture and remarkable library are a draw to many, some travelling far to meet the community and take part in its spiritual life.
The pastor, together with a dynamic Consistory, guarantee the smooth running of the Church.

Our church has entered since June 2024 an uncommon period in its history: a pastoral vacancy period. However, it is not be a traditional vacancy with a succession of guest pastors and lay preachers. Instead, it is part of an enthusiastic project.
At the invitation of the consistory, Phoebe Woods has officially assumed the role of deacon, becoming our main preacher and coordinating all religious activities of the church. She will be supported by guest pastors who will accompany her on her journey, as well as, we hope, by the entire community.
At 36 years old, Phoebe, who grew up in Strasbourg in an international and multilingual environment, is married to François, an architect, and is the mother of two children: Daphné (3 years old) and Lily June, born on June 28th.
Her deep commitment to the life of our church, where she has often substituted for the pastor during services and ceremonies, and her active involvement in the young adults group and the Sunday school, testify to her dedication and devotion.
By proclaiming the importance of diaconal engagement, we wish to highlight the importance of hospitality as a theological virtue embodied in daily life. This dialogue, this openness, we firmly believe in Phoebe’s ability to embody them for our church and our community.

Led by its president Fabien Lerede, the Consistory is the hub around which turn the life, the activity and the smooth running of the French Protestant Church in Soho.
It is made up of 9 members, some of whom hold a more defined role than others – secretary, finance officer/treasurer, librarian… A somewhat larger team assists them on various projects.

Eleni Keventsidou is serving our community with talent and competence since September 2023. Eleni has graduated from the Athens National Conservatory on the piano with a unanimous First Prize and the Royal Academy of Music with Distinction where she studied the organ with Nicolas Kynaston and David Titterington. In 2007 she was awarded the Artistic Director’s Prize at Mikael Tariverdiev International Organ Competition in Kaliningrad. Eleni obtained her PhD on a full studentship at Canterbury Christ Church University (2016).
Eleni has performed in Greece, Cyprus, Romania, UK, France, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Germany, Norway, Finland, Poland, USA.
She has recorded at Royal Festival Hall, Rugby School, Royal Hospital School, St. Alphage and Selby Abbey.
She has been teaching piano-organ at Rugby School and organ at Eltham College.

The Trust, which controls and manages the assets bequeathed by Huguenot descendants, is made up of three members appointed by the Consistory and six to ten external Trustees who, though not members of the Soho Church, are descended from Huguenots. The income from Trust funds is allocated to the day-to-day running of the church (Church fund), to educational charitable purposes (Education fund) and to the alleviation of poverty (Hardship fund).

The French Protestant Church in London is a member of the Communion of French-speaking Protestant Churches (CEEEFE*), affiliated to the Protestant Federation of France.
Its vice-president Thibault Lavergne, pictured in the foreground of the photograph on the left, is vice-president of our church’s consistory.
Linking around thirty churches throughout the world, the Communion is dedicated to the exchange of information and people, mutual financial aid, joint action, theological animation and reciprocal challenge.
Publication: Annual newsletter, available from: Fédération Protestante de France, 47 rue de Clichy, 75311 Paris Cedex 09, or from the church bookstall.
*formerly known as Communauté d’Églises Évangéliques d’expression française à l’extérieur